Sunday, April 24, 2011

What to do with those "cloth diapers" you never opened.

Maybe I'm not the only one that this has happened to:
You're expecting, and you tell your family and friends that you plan to cloth diaper. You might even mention it on the baby shower invitations. You're looking forward to being showered with fluff and then gift day arrives and there they are: those big unholy packs of little Gerber prefold "cloth diapers" from our clueless, yet well-meaning loved ones. You thank them and pretend that's exactly what you meant when you said "cloth diapers", and then store them in the closet or a drawer where they'll sit...  Or perhaps you use them as burp cloths like many people do.
Have you ever wondered how else you can make use of those big white rectangles that Gerber dares to call "cloth diapers"?  Here are some ideas:

(NunuBaby, hours after birth, wearing an organic unbleached Gerber prefold) 
One plus to those Gerber prefolds is that they are Very cheap, and quite small, which actually does make them useful for cloth diapering--if you plan to use them on your newborn.
I actually brought some of the Organic cotton Gerber prefolds to the hospital for a few reasons:
--I was worried about meconium stains on my more expensive cloth diapers. If one of the Gerber ones were to get ruined, no big deal, right?
--If they were to get misplaced at the hospital (I'm notorious for leaving something behind at the hospital every time) then it wouldn't break my heart.
--They're thin, not bulky like other cloth diapers, which accomodates newborn clothing and the frequent diaper changes newborns require.


At our house, the Gerber prefolds are only used as actual diapers on Laundry day, or for a short-term diaper change (like when he really needs a change, but I know that he's going to take a bath in a few minutes...or when I can sense he's about to poop, sometimes I'll put a Gerber on him to avoid staining his nice diapers).
Here's the easy method that I use for folding a Gerber prefold:

1. Lay prefold flat on changing surface.

2. If you would like extra absorbency, add another prefold (folded into thirds) and lay in center.

3. Fold the sides over toward each other, and then fold the top 'wings' away from each other.

4. Place baby down on diaper and lift the front to cover baby like so.

5. Spread the front around to baby's side

6. Pull the wings to the front of the diaper

7. Fasten with a snappi. (OR if you're really brave, you can try diaper-safe pins.)

8. In most cases, you'll want to use a diaper cover to prevent leaks. Pictured above is a Diaperaps organic hemp blend diaper cover.


Ever heard of gDiapers? They are the ADORABLE hybrid diapering system that allows you to choose between cloth or flushable inserts. Well, I've used both and I can tell you, they get quite expensive! Just one pack of 6 gCloth inserts will run you about $30. You can expect to spend hundreds on a stash.  How about, instead, paying just $10 for 12 Gerber prefolds that you can easily use as gDiaper inserts? (That's right, thats just a third of the price, for twice as many!) You can build enough of a stash to space out laundry days for only $20 (or for free if you acquired some at your baby shower)!
Here's how to use them as gDiaper inserts:
1. Just fold a Gerber prefold into thirds (add a second one into the center for extra absorbency if desired)
2. Stick it in the gDiaper liner and go!
See how well it works! And to be perfectly honest, I've had more success using Gerber prefolds inside of my gDiapers than I ever did using the actual gCloth inserts. To this day, I sold all of my gCloths and now only use the Gerber prefolds as inserts.


Gerber prefolds are the perfect size to be added into pocket diapers for use as inserts or additional absorbency over regular inserts.  Just fold them up, and stick them in!

We do! And here's what we did to tell the difference between our Gerber BURP cloths and cloth DIAPERS...

We tie-dyed them! Of course, you can be as creative as you like: Embroider them, dye them, sew ribbon or patterned material on them...but I would definintely advise seperating the ones you use on your baby's face/mouth from the ones you use on your baby's bottom! =)

Think Green and REUSE them! They make a perfect cleaning cloth for around the house! Just TRY to find a better cloth to dust your furniture or wipe your windows with!

So if you ever receive a gift of Gerber "cloth diapers", you can now think of them as so much more than just burp cloths, but a multi-functional cloth diapering treat!


PS. Comment below and let me know what ways YOU use Gerber prefolds!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How I Turned Green: Earth Day Tribute and GIVEAWAY!

I've always been a little bit ecologically-minded. With a Biologist father who has specialized in conservation with The Nature Conservancy and research for The U.S. Forest Service my entire life, and a full-blooded Native American mother, I grew up with some basic natural-lifestyle fundamentals: I was extendedly breastfed, cloth diapered, taught NEVER to litter, to compost, to try to avoid medications, to grow a garden, don't start forest fires...that type of thing. Other than that, I was raised pretty mainstream... surrounded by chemicals, preservatives, GMs, BPA, PVCs, phthalates, HFCS and all of those things that most of our parents had no idea were dangerous.
It wasn't until after BubuMan (my 2nd child) was born that I really started thinking green. I had already been practicing attachment parenting (breastfeeding, babywearing, gentle parenting), and going green seemed like the next practical step. Bubu had very sensitive skin and recurring rashes and diaper rash. When he turned a few months old, I visited a perfume boutique downtown that was going out of business, and I noticed that their entire display of Burt's Bees was on clearance. I had always been curious about the Baby Bee products, but honestly, at the time the price was kind of steep for me to risk buying it and not liking it. Well, I bought some on sale and wow! I used the wonderful-smelling diaper rash cream on Bubu (this was when he was still in sposies) and tried out the baby wash and milk bath and within a few days his skin rashes disappeared! I was also very impressed with how fast the diaper cream cleared up irritation, which he got often from sposies. I also made the switch from chemical detergents to seventh generation, and went all out buying natural soaps and cleaning products from our local health food store. When I decide I wanna go for something, I go for it all the way! Watching Woody Harrelson's documentary "Go Further" persuaded me to start eating organic and to avoid preservatives and GMOs. I got increasingly interested in recycled products (I started only buying recycled paper towels, toilet paper, copier paper, notebooks, ect).  I was venturing on the right path.
Then it occurred to me to start cloth diapering. This was about 3 years ago, and at the time, I had NEVER seen another baby cloth diapered in my life. In my mind, cloth diapering consisted of prefolds and pins. I didn't even know they needed a cover. I already had about 2 unopened packs of those Gerber 'burp cloths' that are labeled for some reason as 'cloth diapers', so I decided to give it a shot. I googled how to fold a prefold and took them right out of the package and tried it, securing the diaper with a regular large safety pin from home. I thought the fluffy butt looked so cute...but then he peed, and ultimately, it was a FAIL! I was so curious as to how people possibly kept those things from leaking, so I googled once again and learned they needed a cover! Thats when I came across more modern cloth diapers, and my research began!! I wanted to learn everything there was to know about cloth diapering before making the investment. I was already hooked on how cute new modern cloth diapers were--I was amazed by their simplicity (just adjust the velcro, or snap it on, and go!), pleasantly surprised at their versatility (one-size?? really???), and somewhat overwhelmed by all of the different types. I had decided at the time, that I only wanted natural fibers touching Bubu's skin, considering how rash-prone he was. So I ordered 3 Tiny Tush One-Size Organic Hemp fitted diapers, a Tiny Tush Organic Wool Soaker, 3 Drybee's One-Size Bamboo Fitteds, and an upcycled wool Grateful Buns Soaker. Shortly thereafter I also ordered some gDiapers to put those gerber "prefolds" to good use. And that began it all... my cloth diaper addiction. =P
Three years, one more baby, and MANY cloth diapers later, and I'm proud to say that we are a Green family! A recycling, composting, organic, chemical-free, cloth-diapering, non-medicating, breastmilk-medicine, holistic, mama-cloth-wearing, family-cloth-using, reusable-bag-bringing, herb-picking, farmer's market cruising, toxin-free, rash-free Natural family!
Needless to say, Earth Day is pretty much our holiday of choice. =)

Thats why I'm obliged to give one lucky family the chance to get started on their way to being a green family!

In observance of our favorite holiday that honors the protection of our planet, I've put together a little Eco-Friendly Baby Bum Basket to giveaway to one lucky winner!
The Gift Basket will include the following items:

--1 Kawaii One-Size Heavy Duty Diaper (Gender Neutral color)
--1 Travel-Size Jar sample of CJ's BUTTer (Scented)
--1 Sample of Rockin' Green Cloth Diaper Laundry Detergent (Smashing Watermelons scent)
--1 Package of Cloth Wipes/Washcloths
--1 Container of my homemade Organic Vegan Anti-Fungal Cloth Wipe Solution


1. Comment on my blog for one entry, telling me "Why you would like to Go Green", or "In what ways you have already Gone Green!"
2. Comment on my Facebook Page for an extra entry telling me "Why you would like to Go Green" or "In what ways you have already gone green".
3. Tag the Boheme Mom Rhapsody Facebook page, telling your friends about the giveaway, for another extra entry!
4. When your friends post to this blog and/or Facebook Page, telling us you referred them, you get an EXTRA entry!!

This contest will run through Earth Day! The winner will be drawn randomly at Midnight (Central US time) after Earth Day!

Your chances of winning depends on the amount of LOVE you show!! =)  So go ahead and enter, you could be the next winner! =)


ps. I <3 Giveaway time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Fluffy Photo-op Fuzzibunz Contest"/Giveaway!

Well, the Kawaii giveaway was a FAIL! =P We never made it to 100 and my blog was at a complete stand-still as I wanted the giveaway post to be last. That was my FIRST giveaway to host, and I definitely learned some things throughout the process:
Make sure your Giveaway doesn't get LOST within the posts on your page (that leads to some pretty confused guests lol), Keep the rules simple, Make the contest fun, and make the prize worth it! So I'm going to do just THAT! =)

In honor of my Fuzzibunz Testing endeavors, I'm going to hold a Fluffy Photo-op contest, and Give away a FUZZIBUNZ PERFECT-SIZE DIAPER as the prize when we reach 200 fans! That way you can 'test' one for yourself! How do you enter?

Here's How to Enter:

1. Post a picture of your Fluff (momma slang for 'cloth diaper stash') in a creative and interesting design on the Boheme Mom Rhapsody Facebook page! Use your imagination!

2. Vote on your favorite designs in the "Fluffy Photo-op Contest" album, by clicking "Like". (you may "like" as many designs as you want)

3. Spread the word of the contest to all of your friends to vote on your design, so that we reach 200 fans!

***When we reach the 200 fans mark, the Fluff photo with the most "likes" WINS THE DIAPER!***

Very fun, simple, and with a GREAT prize!
So get to work on posting those adorable fluffy Diaper designs on my Facebook page! Let's keep this one going and lets definitely NOT let it fail! I'm ready to share the Fuzzibunz love!!


ps. Thanks to Boheme Mom Rhapsody fan Mary N. for inspiring this giveaway with her beautiful fluff design picture!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kawaii Baby Cloth Diaper Review and Giveaway!

I finally decided to try to get this blog up and running! And what better way to do it than to sing praises to one of my favorite diaper companies!? And a self-sponsored giveaway will hopefully give others a chance to try it out!

I've always wanted to do a review. I'm not only a cloth diaper 'activist', you might also say that I'm a cloth diaper connoisseur --I've been cloth diapering for over 3 years (I started cloth when my second child was born and as soon as he got out of diapers, Nunu baby was born) and I've tried pretty much every type of diaper, and every material. (i'll blog about my cloth experiences later..) Basically, I know an awesome diaper and a great deal when I see one! And Kawaii Baby cloth diapers are definitely it!
Altogether I own 7 Kawaii baby cloth diapers, so they make up a considerable portion of our diaper stash. I have them in the prints/colors (shown below)):  "Green Daisy", "Solid Black", "Circle Dot", and "Yellow Daisy". I love these diapers for many different reasons, which I'll go over in some detail for you.. Here is my review on the Kawaii Baby One-size Snap Closure cloth diaper!

The Price

The main reason I hear parents say they are reluctant to start cloth diapers is because (although they can save you thousands in the end) they take quite a bit of money to get started. You see those "starter packs" of diapers ranging anywhere from around $150-$350. Well, a lot of us parents don't always have a spare couple-of-hundred to invest at once towards a cloth diaper stash that you aren't even sure will work for you. THAT is why I ALWAYS suggest to anyone considering cloth or on a budget to TRY KAWAII BABY! Why? Because they start at the mere price of $6.99!! That means you can buy an entire stash of about 12 diapers (the recommended amount to start with) for less than $85! I've even seen them on some websites sold in bundles of 10-12 for even less than that!

The Quality

One thing I can assure you is that you are definitely not sacrificing the quality for price. This was what struck me most about this diaper! To be honest, when I first bought these diapers, I expected the worst ...only to be very pleasantly suprised! I had been regularly using Fuzzibunz and Bumgenius diapers, and that is the excellent quality that I had to compare it to and Kawaii baby seriously did not fall behind at all. In my experience with Kawaii's the past 6 months, there has been very few leaks (equal to the bigger name diapers), and in fact I've found them to hold in messes BETTER than some of my more pricey diapers. They have endured hundreds of washings/dryings by now and have not yet shown any signs whatsoever of wear-and-tear. They could practically pass as brand new!

The Exterior

 One of the first things you might notice about the exterior of the Kawaii Baby diapers are that they are very strong and durable. Yet, they are not stiff or seemingly uncomfortable for baby. Another thing I love about exterior is how water repellent it is! No dampness/wetness on the outside cover, matter how soaked it is on the inside. Another thing I'm crazy about is their interesting colors and prints. I love the (TPU outer) ones I have and there are so many more that I WANT (stars, camouflage, jean print, retro, ect) and they also have amazing minky print diapers such as cow print, dots, ect.

The Insert

All of my Kawaii's came with 2 remarkably soft, fluffy microfiber inserts. (1 for day use, 2 for heavy wetters or over-night use). They are perfect. They squish up nicely inside of the diaper when it's on the smallest setting, and they stretch out far enough to reach the ends of the diaper when it's on the largest setting. These inserts are by far my favorite out of all the different brands I've tried. I use only these inserts now in all of my different diapers (yes, the non-Kawaii's too) and I definitely plan on buying some extras. (and yes, the price of additional inserts is also ridiculously cheap! Try $1.40 per insert? Yes, i'll take more!)

The Interior

 The interior of the Kawaii Baby diaper is lined with the softest (SOFTEST!!!) microfleece I've ever felt in my life.  This picture (above) shows the interior after several hundred washes...still nice and fluffy! When brand new, it feels like how you imagined a cloud to feel when you were a kid. I truly felt like my baby was one lucky kid to have such softness upon his bum. Also notice the pocket on the inside of the diaper. It has two layers of lining overlapping the insert to keep it in place and prevent it from maneuvering out of the opening (which has never happened to me in my experiences with Kawaiis, so it def does its job!) Also notice the elastic on the legs is sewn in just a way thay leaks is nearly impossible.

The Snaps

Snaps are by far my favorite cloth diaper closures. They are adjustable, they don't get stuck to anything in the wash and they're (lame pun alert) 'cute as a button'.  There's many things I love about the snap closures on Kawaiis. Firstly, the snaps system on the bottom allows the diaper to be ONE-SIZE! That means your baby will most likely fit this one diaper from birth all the way through to potty training! THAT means no need to continue to buy different sizes of diapers as your child grows, just snap/unsnap as needed. Now if you'll notice in the picture (above) I have the cloth diaper on the Medium Setting (I left one snap unsnapped intentionally to show how you adjust sizing). You snap up the bottom row for the Small setting, and you just unsnap them all for the Large setting!  The snaps are also awesome as a closure for the wings of the diaper. The wings have the ability to overlap to adjust the fit for newborns, and I absolutely love how there are two rows of snaps on either side to prevent wind droop. I've never had a wing droop problem using my Kawaiis. They really thought this snap system out!

The Fit

Here is Nunu-baby rockin' (along with his Grateful Dead tee) his Kawaii One-Size "yellow daisy" Cloth diaper on Medium setting! Notice how trim they look, and how nicely they fit! The elastic leaves no room for leaks, and no marks on his skin! It allows liberated movement while Nunu crawls around and wiggles, yet never moves out of place.


I had to rack my brain to think of something to fit in this category. Although I am completely satisfied with this diaper, I would have to say that one of the only things I dislike about this brand diaper compared to some other diapers is that the insert must be pulled out before washing. Unlike some brands of diapers which are made to allow you to shake the insert into the washer, or some are made so that the insert maneuvers itself into the washer... These must be pulled out by hand. This is not usually a problem unless the diaper is thoroughly soaked, and then the "gross-o-meter" goes up. However, I would like to point out that most other cloth diaper brands require you to touch a wet insert before washing. Also, I must give Kawaii Baby the benefit of the doubt and let you know that my husband says he's NEVER had to touch a wet Kawaii insert. He somehow figured out how to shake them out easily. The only other thing I could find that might be a negative to some is that Kawaii Baby diapers are made in China. So for those who stick to strictly "buy American", this may be a drawback.

The Verdict

Kawaii Baby Cloth Diapers are excellent quality diapers that I would easily recommend to ANYONE! They are unbelievably low-priced (literally a fraction of the cost of Big Name diapers) which allows you to build a stash without putting a dent in your bank account. All around, I am totally satisfied with Kawaiis, and I give them an A! And hey, they're not just awesome for parents, babies like 'em too!


Now here's the FUN part! I'm going to be giving away a One-Size Kawaii Baby Snap Closure cloth diaper for you to try out; and the best part: YOU get to choose the color or print!
Below are the details on how to enter.

--Entry Details--

--"Like" my Facebook page and comment on the "Giveaway question" to enter! (Each person is counted once, despite the # of answers they give)

--You CAN increase your chances of winning! If you share the news of this giveaway on Facebook (important: you must tag my page!) then you get an EXTRA entry for every time you tag it!

--Be sure to tell anyone that you refer to the giveaway to mention YOUR name when they "like" the FB page, because for every time your name is mentioned, you get another entry!

--You get yet ANOTHER entry if you comment on my blog that you "Liked" the Boheme Mom Rhapsody Facebook page!

Once I get 100 "Likes" on the Boheme Mom Rhapsody Facebook Page I will choose a commenter (to "the giveaway question" and/or the blog) at random to be the winner!!!

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How my breastmilk saved a squirrel

I never thought I'd say this, but a squirrel drank my breastmilk. Have I gotten your attention? Let me explain...

Yesterday afternoon my friend Sparkles found a squirrel, pretty much half-alive. He had been in the same spot for hours, not moving, not eating..just laying there. Sparkles decided to do what felt right and get the squirrel away from the threat of the neighbor's dogs. He placed the squirrel in a cat kennel lined with towels along with walnuts to eat and a pan of water. He named him "Stewart". He did not plan to keep Stewart as a pet, but to 'nurse him back to health' (pun intended) and set him free.

The next day Sparkles and his partner Woodchuck noticed that Stewart had not eaten or even really moved at all. Sparkles mentioned that the squirrel was not doing well and I casually offered to donate some breastmilk for the poor little lad, to keep him going. A few hours later, Sparkles took me up on that offer.
I then was obliged to meet Stewart.

Upon his arrival, Stewart was quite lethargic. He was breathing steadily, but blinking slowly, not moving, and Sparkles pointed out that there was dried blood upon his nose. I brought Nunu baby in a close enough view to see Stewart, but stayed back since we didn't know what was wrong with him.. Sparkles wrapped him up in a towel to get him ready for feeding. Stewart the squirrel didn't move at all.

I hand expressed about 2 oz of breastmilk into a glass and Sparkles put the liquid gold into a small syringe. He mentioned that he felt the breastmilk would be beneficial because he had read that squirrel milk has high fat content. We were afraid that his attempt to stick the syringe in his mouth would startle Stewart the Squirrel and possibly cause him to jump or bite.

Instead, he opened his mouth and accepted "natures bounty" (as Sparkles called it). At first, he did not drink, he let the milk sit in his mouth and dribble down his little chin. We sat patiently as Sparkles gave several attempts to get Stewart to drink. He squeezed a few drops into his mouth at a time. By the way Stewart looked, I was so afraid that he was dying right then and there. His eyes were closing, he didn't move a muscle. Sparkles attempted also to give him a few drops of water. After a few tries, Stewart finally started to swallow! Sparkles gave him a few syringe-squirts of breastmilk while Stewart was actively drinking! It was such a relief!

Small hints of improvement were beginning to show in Stewart. His eyes brightened, he began looking at our faces; staring at Sparkles, then at me and at Nunu.
Before long, Stewart started to liven up a little bit while drinking the human milk, so Sparkles decided to let him rest up in the kennel.Sparkles and I sat and chatted for a few hours while Stewart rested. We checked on him periodically to make sure he was still alive, since he had been in such bad shape!
Upon leaving, Sparkles filled the syringe with the remainder of the breast milk for later.

Those hours with Stewart, observing him as he weakly drank my milk from a syringe really brought about some insight regarding other living beings and how delicate life can be. I watched this little guy receive nourishment, brighten up and silently observe the one who so graciously took the time to assist him, looking as though he were pondering what in his karma would reward him another chance at life. This was quite possibly this wild animal's first human contact, and for it to be one of gentle kindness, nourishment and salvation coming from the warm hand and comforting voices of this larger species... must have been an incredible surprise!

Within hours, Sparkles posted an update on Stewart and it really struck me in a personal way...
Considering the condition I first saw Stewart, I was utterly shocked to see this picture posted after just a few hours!

Sparkles said, "..that magic [breast milk] must have done the trick. He was feeling better (Moving around the cage freely) when I went to get him to drink some more and so I decided it was time for him to leave the nest. He is back where he should be."
Before, Stewart could hardly move and now he is climbing! MILK IS IT!

Last week, I wrote a blogpost listing all of the medicinal ways that I've used breastmilk, and I have to say, this liquid gold never ceases to amaze me! I don't know what exactly was wrong with the squirrel, or what exactly was in the breastmilk that he needed...I just feel so completely fortunate to have been able to offer assistance in preserving the life of one of Earth's beautiful residents. Stewart the squirrel is one lucky guy to have crossed paths with Sparkles, and I'm one lucky mama to have the opportunity to meet this lil guy!

In this last picture, I mentioned to Sparkles, "Aww, he actually looks kind of sad to be going."

Sparkles replied, "I know! He sat there for a minute and looked at me, then scurried up the tree.."

Boheme Mom

"True benevolence or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation."  --Joseph Addison

Tree pictures, courtesy of Sparkles. <3

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Soothing anti-fungal vegan wipe solution

I've been cloth diapering since Bubu-man was a newborn, but it wasn't until Noonie came along that I started using cloth wipes as well. I've found cloth wipes to be MUCH more convenient with cloth diapering considering you can just simply roll the wipes up in the diaper and toss into the pail/wetbag and wash them together.
I've tried several different combinations, and I finally have my favorite regular wipe solution that I've been using the past few months and it has been very effective in not only preventing, but also fighting off diaper rash and yeast.

Here are the ingredients that I use:
-- 1/2 tsp (NOW brand) Apricot Kernel Oil
-- 1/2 tsp (Dr. Bronner's) Pure Castile Soap (particularly baby unscented, almond, or a combination of Lavender and Tea Tree as pictured)
-- 3 drops (Aura Cacia brand organic) Tea Tree essential oil
-- 3 drops (Aura Cacia brand organic) Lavender essential oil
-- 1/2 tsp (Lily of the desert brand) Aloe Vera Gelly
-- 12 oz water, preferrably in a mason jar

These ingredients can be easily found in your local health food store.
This wipe solution not only smells fantastic but it is truly very effective!

The Apricot Kernel Oil is a very gentle natural oil, often used in baby products. It has a high vitamin E content, effective for softening the skin, and is known for its ability to penetrate the skin without leaving an oily feel.

Being one of the most natural, fair-trade, non-toxic soaps, Castile Soap is a completely vegetable based soap that not only cuts "dirty messes" clean, but also helps dissolve them. It is incredibly mild and safe for baby. Because it is very concentrated, just a very small amount is needed in the wipe solution. I choose Dr. Bronner's because they are completely fair trade, organic and uses a soothing blend of coconut, olive, hemp and jojoba oils.

Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most perfect oils for baby! In addition to it's wonderfully calming aromatherapeutic effects, lavender assists in healing of the skin, reducing pain to the area, and balancing the skin's condition. Lavender is naturally anti-fungal therefore preventing yeast and other infections. The small amount of oils in the solution will be absorbed quickly into the blood stream, thus assisting the body and mind.

Known mostly for its amazing disinfecting properties, Tea Tree Oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory. This 'wonder-oil' also aids in healing wounds, easing pain, stimulates the immune system, neutralizes skin marks, and even dissolves pus and cleans the surface of wounds without damage to the tissue (which may be very useful in instances of serious diaper rash).

Lastly, my favorite addition, Aloe Vera, is useful for healing rashes, soothing and preventing irritation of the skin, regenerating skin cells, reducing inflammation and pain, and keeping the skin overall healthy! No wipe solution is complete without aloe, in my humble opinion.

As I mentioned, I prefer to mix and dispense my wipe solution in a mason jar. Why? Well, I've tried it all, and here's my take: Soap dispensers are too messy and take too long. Squirt bottles are great for on-the-go, but arent very practical for thouroughly wetting a cloth wipe. I've tried water bottles, which work pretty well, but also take quite a few tip-overs, which is quite inconvenient for those unexpected messes where you find yourself needing more wipes. The first time I tried I mason jar, I was very pleasantly surprised! Just bunch up the cloth wipe and tip over once and the whole wipe is thoroughly wet! The neck is wide enough to squeeze out excess water if needed, and the lid fits tightly and secure incase baby decides to give it a shake. For me, I just reused a speghetti sauce jar (Classico brand alfredo has 12 oz mason jars with measurement marks).

I hope this helps!
If you use any particular wipe solution recipes, please share! I'd love to know what works best for you!

Boheme Mom

Monday, March 14, 2011

Milk is it!

My personal anecdotal evidence of breastmilk's defiance over illness.

It seems as though I finally get a moment to blog again! A marvelous feat for a mother of 3!
A wonderful thought has been lingering in my mind for a while and I finally must shout from the rooftops:

What does that mean?
Let me begin with a few short accounts that include the most basic fundamental of infant and human life: Breastmilk.
I've breastfed all 3 of my children. It wasn't until I got pregnant with Nunu-baby that I discovered the MIRACLES of breastmilk! Instead of simply looking at nursing as a way of feeding my baby, I awaited the day that I could nurse again because I knew that I would be protecting him, building his body and his mind, giving him immunity, building a bond between us, comforting him, and even communicating with him!
Then I learned that breastmilk is not only beneficial for the bub, but for the mother herself and anyone who is fortunate enough to have a nursing mama in their life!

My housemate Bear got pink eye--3 seperate times! Each time, I expressed some mama-milk, put it into a dropper, and he dropped it into his eye just a few times a day. His pink eye (which usually lasts around 5-7 days on average) was gone after just ONE day! He is now utterly convinced that Breastmilk is it.

I've cured Bubu-man's cough, Blujay's cuts, scrapes and burns, Bubu's rashes, Nunu's diaper rash and even cleared Nunu's sinuses with the wonders of mama milk...

But last night was probably my most profound victory over sickness using the miracle of breastmilk.
Saturday night, Tutu-head suddenly got sick and started vomiting. She spent the entire day on Sunday laying down, sleeping, and by dinner she was running a high fever. I usually let a fever run it's course since it is the body's way of fighting off infection, but later in the night, I started to really worry about my dear sweet firstborn. Her cheeks were bright red, along with her poor little arms and back. I gave her a dose of fever break tincture (which consists of Boneset, Yarrow, Dandelion Root, Catnip, Shepherd's purse, and Lobelia inflata) and put an amber necklace around her neck to ease the pain. That brought the fever down for a few hours, but around the time she was ready to go to sleep for the night, her fever went back up. I patted her little self with cool wet rags, but it didn't help much.. It was heartbreaking. Irrational thoughts went through my mind of giving in and going to the store to purchase children's tylenol.
Just as my mommy fears were about to take over, Noonie woke up for his 'nurse-nurse'. I nursed him until he went to sleep, and I thought how grateful I am for the immunity my breastmilk was providing him to prevent him from catching whatever it was that Tutu had...
Then it hit me! I don't know why I hadn't thought of it sooner! I no longer have a pump, but I hand-expressed some mama milk into a glass. Tutu drank it down and rested. Before I went to bed, I felt her arms and face: no fever! Thank goodness! We could all sleep a little more soundly. When Tutu woke up this morning, she was feeling a little tired still, but much much better!

I will never, ever hesitate in giving my loved ones breastmilk, first and foremost, when anything is wrong with them.

Boheme Mom

ps. What have YOU cured using breastmilk?? Please share!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The dirties on 'The Dirties on Diapering'

It's about time the word got out in a strikingly visual manner!
I try to be open minded. I really do. But my inner hippie curls into the fetal position and cries every time I see that giant mountain of a week's worth of disposable diapers being hauled to the curb for the garbage truck. Even if I don't actually SEE it being hauled out there, my mind's eye gets an automatic visualization every time I witness someone hauling those jumbo packs of disposable diapers to the check-out line, or even seeing a baby with a 'sposie on.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging the parents who use disposables. I once used disposable diapers myself with my first child. I had NO IDEA that cloth diapers even existed any longer, much less how far they've come to be modern and convenient. But once my second was born and I learned the facts about disposable diapers (the fact that in one year of life, ONE baby goes through roughly 3500+ diapers per year, and each diaper takes 500+ years to decompose, and the toxic chemicals in diapers that are in constant contact with baby's delicate skin) and then learned the benefits to cloth diapering (saving thousands of $$$, benefits to the planet, benefits to baby's health, how uncomplicated they are, how freakin' adorable they are!) I decided to go cloth, and never went back. Now it's not only how I diaper, it's a hobby and a cause for advocacy!

Several weeks ago, I learned of an awesome project underway that I have been so stoked about!
It is a coffee-table style book of photojournalism called "The Dirties on Diapering", created by a stay-at-home mom who is also a photographer! Jamie Wilkinson, the creator of the book and Portland, OR cloth-diapering mother of two will be going around, taking pictures of the impact that dispoable diapers make on our planet, and also educate and visually inform parents about cloth diapers.
Wilkinson states, " The word about cloth diapering is slowly spreading, but often times I believe concepts like this (especially in the beginning) come across as some activist shoving information in people's faces. Pardon my harsh description, but it's the stereo-type given. I want the majority of this book to be images to SHOW people exactly what we are talking about. I will of course use words, facts, and share stories... but I want at least 3/4 of each page to be about an image. I want people to SEE the landfills. I want people to SEE the health concerns. I want people to SEE how easy cloth diapering is now. The world today is very visual, and I think this is the best way to get the word out. "

Right ON mama!!
Right now, Wilkinson's groovy project is just a little over half-way to it's fundraising goal of $6000. With only 47 days to go, the pressure is on! I believe this is a book that NEEDS to get out there. This visual book would make the concerns about diapering come to life and would serve as a marvelous advocate for the cloth diapering/environmental cause! And of course, this lovely mama doesn't forget those who walk beside her. She offers thoughtful rewards to contributors, no matter how small the amount (greater rewards for greater contributions, of course).

You can donate via kickstarter at this website:

And be sure to check out the video about the project!

Boheme Mom

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...

WOW has my life taken a not-so-unexpected turn towards chaos or what???
I would like for this blog to be my escape from it all.. But this past week, everytime I sit down to write, all I can think about is all of these INSANE happenings that have been occuring lately, courtesy of Sir Evil.
Considering that I would like these 'daily blusterings' to be a positive place, a place of information and exploration, I'll leave out the nitty-gritty details.

Someday, when my children are grown, I will be leaving this money-hungry country to gain citizenship in a place that makes a little more sense. Every day I dream of place where common sense prevails. Where a basic, natural lifestyle are not questioned and stamped with ill-informed stereotypes. Where our planet is respected as our HOME that must be shared with every generation after us! Where the basic rights of every human being do not cost a fortune and do not require being "earned" in battle. Where people can speak, face to face, and understand one another, without hiding behind representation, false advertising, liability, and legislation. I need to be in a place where the people who determine your fate are educated and compassionate. Where the well-being of the people stands far beyond the rat race for profits.

Does this place even exist??

I call dibs on colonizing the moon.

"After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say ''I want to see the manager.''
--William S. Burroughs

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

I've been meaning to blog for a while, like... years, and havent gotten around to it until now. I had a pretty successful blog when my oldest daughter was a baby, but life got too insane to keep up with it once my second child was born.
Now, here I am, my third child on my lap chewing on his Sophie giraffe, and I finally decided that now is the time!
Now what direction should I lead this thing?
I dont want this blog to be as personal as my last one. Of course, some general details about my life...but mostly, my aim is to blog about my interests and meet like-minded individuals who can relate, offer advice, or benefit from my experiences or suggestions. I'm constantly bursting with ideas and opinions, rants and praise.
If Nunu-Baby will give me a moment, I'll share some of those 'general details' i mentioned...

I'm a mid-twenties newlywed mother of 3.
I was a teenager when I had my first child, my daughter who I refer to by "Tutu-Head" (or Tutu, or Toonie, ect) for the blog's sake. Although I was young, I parented quite instinctually: breastfed (also, supplemented...frown) for over 14 months, parented in a way that I later learned is referred to as "attachment parenting" due to the fact that we bedshared, didn't spank, always held, nursed on demand, etc. She is now school-aged and a really awesome kid! She's beautiful, hilarious, brilliant, theatrical, mature and artistic.  I love that girl! Her dad was my highschool sweetheart, and although we didn't work out in the end, we are still pretty good friends.

My second child, my son who I refer to as "Bubu-Man" (Bubu) came along towards the end of a dangerously close long-term relationship I had in college with Sir Evil, that left me with terrible scars, both emotionally and physically. The only Good thing that came from that 'waste-of-time' relationship was my beautiful, sweet, shy little toddler Bubu. His father and I never see or speak.. yet our lives are filled with soap-opera type drama quite frequently as the result of ever meeting that fool. I could write a novel (literally) about the whirlwind of grievances the "Evils" have had us endure. But in the end, we have an awesomely delightful little earthchild, and our close, loving, free-spirited family would not be complete without him. =) Upon Bubu's arrival came my dawning of enlightenment into the realms of Natural Parenting. I started taking breastfeeding more seriously, I wore him in a sling everywhere I went, bedshared (of course), went totally organic, started cloth diapering shortly after he was born, and went completely 'green'.  I was new at this whole concept at the time, so I made a few mistakes along the way..which we will explore in this blog. I learned more and more along the way.

Our latest addition, "Nunu-baby" (aka "Nunu" or "Noonie") is the little sunshine in all of our lives! He is the most amazing and delightful little infant that our family has ever had the joy of loving! This child is absolutely mellow, beautiful, cheerful, and has quite an amazing little personality for an infant. His pregnancy was my inspiration to dive into the depths of the Natural/Attachment Parenting world 100%, to fully inform myself to the best of my abilty, and to become an activist for change in this backwards, money-driven system of illusion that we call life. I now have one happy, exclusively breastfed, sling-riding, bed-sharing, cloth diapered, intact, unvaxed, organic sunshine who has never had an unnatural chemical anywhere in or on his body. He is one healthy little Nunu. We are also currently learning Baby Sign Language together, which is a totally new endeavor for me, and I'm very excited to see how it turns out!
My husband, who we will call BluJay, is absolutely my best friend and soul-mate. We think completely alike, spend hours on end talking and connecting, and when we must part ways momentarily for wary life burdens such as work or errands, our souls ache for each others warmth and presence. BluJay is the most amazing father! My two oldest children love and cherish him and he loves them as his own. Our little Nunu is also crazy about his daddy! I am so fortunate to have met a real man, who a compassionate lover, an amusing friend, and a dedicated father. Words can't express my love and fondness for this man. BluJay is quite the naturally talented musician, hes intelligent, patient, has a great sense of humor. He enjoys philosophy and exploring various concepts in theology. He is laid-back yet aims high for the sake of his loved ones. He is so wonderfully supportive and open-minded to all of our life endeavors. Did I mention that I love that man!? We are also soon to embark on a journey of FS Restoration. I would like to document the progress as that endeavor comes our way.

My family is my life. Every day we laugh, we dance, we share, we explore, we sing, and we learn together. We openly and honestly express our feelings.

We plan to have more children in our future, once life mellows out a bit. I look forward to that day that we can begin to plan and TTC our next baby, but for now we are enjoying our family as it is: a beautiful bohemian circus. =P

Throughout my children's lives, we have often (but not always) lived communally with others, in various homes, cities, states, ect. (I guess you can say we're one step below nomadic.. And we very much enjoy the company of others.) We are currently housesharing with my long-time inseperable best friend in the entire world, Bear. Amazingly enough, I met my husband through Bear, and I also introduced Bear to his life partner as well. Bear is as unique as it gets--probably why we get along so ridiculously well. We hit it off as friends the moment we met. He's that gay best friend that every girl must have to be complete. Bear is a bartender, and despite our years of crazy history we've had together in the pre-responsibilty days, he's now quite the competent adult I always pictured him being when we were kids. Bear has been along side me through it ALL. We are life-long friends.

As for me. Well, I'm the ring-leader of all of the above!

La Vie Boheme!

<3 BoheMom

"Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift..."